A concise guide to dealing with other people, living your best life and connecting in disonnected times.
Visualize Circles to Assess a Romantic Relationship
Our lives are long, and our circles are small…Right relationship is knowing that we are interconnected and finding a form of connection that allows us peace. — Valarie Kaur
Romantic relationships can range from “chaste courting”, “just dating”, “friends with benefits”, “booty calls”, being an “item”, “living with” to long term committed and/or married. How would you describe yours at this point? Then assess based on the six essentials: reciprocity, reliability, respect, passion, intimacy, and commitment. You might decide this is currently just a one or two circle relationship and it is just fine for now. If you want something more, I suggest looking for at least the first three essentials. Something serious should be at least a four, working toward a five, even a six-circle relationship. If less than three, decide what is workable, what you are willing to work for and check back in the future.
Abusers are notorious for rushing the first stage of intimacy, something that’s often described by survivors as a kind of ‘love-bombing’. ―Jess Hill Love bombing is just what it sounds like. An explosion of expensive gifts and meals, grand gestures, effusive displays of affection, expressions of admiration or unsolicited sexting. (It is called…
Do Nothing? Communicate? Leave? When it is time to address issues in a friendship, your options come down to the same three potential solutions: do nothing, communicate or leave. Before you explore these options decide: Are you willing to fight for this friendship? Or could you let it go? While we…
Learned helplessness is the giving-up reaction, the quitting response that follows from the belief that whatever you do doesn’t matter. –Arnold Schwarzenegger The experiment for learned helplessness involved dogs who received a mild shock when attempting to change their circumstances. Eventually those poor pups gave up even after the shock mechanism…