Boundaries empower us to determine how we’ll be treated by others. –Anne Katherine
Boundaries set limits with others, keep you from feeling taken advantage of, and establish the rules of respect. Open borders on boundaries are an invitation for those who tend to push the limits to shove their way in. Set clear boundaries on your time by saying: “I can meet for a quick lunch.” If they push: firmly repeat what you just said. Set boundaries on your space. When a date pushes to come inside, you say: “Nope, not tonight.” If they push, firmly repeat. Set boundaries on what you do. “I cannot help you this weekend, I have other plans.” If they push, firmly repeat. You get the picture. This is not meant to disregard the normal social negations that are part of reciprocity. We also want to be careful that we are not so rigid that no one can get in. Use boundaries to firmly keep a potential violator in check