There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper
and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.
― Laurell K. Hamilton
My views on depression and the use of anti-depressants may
be controversial. One way I view depression is as “a cocoon of
change”, also known as grief – normal and necessary for transition
and loss. Another view is depression as “anger turned inward”.
This is the passive individual coping with cumulative pain
and hurt from toxic relationship(s). A third view is depression as
an “outcome of loneliness and isolation”. This is exacerbated
by social media and our post pandemic preference for remote
work. In my experience, these can be worked through by talk
therapy and/or life changes, without medication. A fourth view of
depression is “organic and biochemical”. This is that dark intractable
clinical depression which is best managed by medication,
therapy, group support and life changes. Before committing to
pharmaceuticals, give serious thought to which kind of depression
you may be struggling with.