I am tired of myself tonight. I should like to be somebody else.
― Oscar Wilde
I love the word ennui. Pronounced “on whee” and when said,
I visualize a 1920’s drama queen putting the back of her hand
to her forehead saying: “Alas, I have ennui”. It is a French word
that essentially means being bored, or “world weary”, especially
from a life of too much ease (or maybe too much cannabis?)
Although it looks and feels somewhat similar to depression, it is
not an official medical diagnosis and anti-depressants are probably
not going to be helpful. Treatment, at the risk of sounding
too direct, consists of “getting a life”. Get off the couch and away
from your device or TV. Engage with the outside world, change
things up, move your body, get out in nature, try on anything
that interest you. Travel, volunteer. Find meaning and purpose.