A concise guide to dealing with other people, living your best life and connecting in disonnected times.
Visualize Circles to Assess a Relationship
Draw a circle around yourself, – invite people in or keep them out. –Rachel Wolchin
Visualizing concentric circles is a useful tool for defining or accepting the limits of relationships. You might think of it as your “inner” “middle” and “outer” circle of people in your life. Outer circles are casual acquaintances, middle for those with more interaction, and inner for those close to you. I view the outer ring as representing reciprocity, the middle ring reliability, and the inside as respect. Whichever way works best for you. The goal is for this way of thinking to become a habit. When all three of the essentials are present: reciprocity, reliability, and respect, I visualize a three-circle relationship with me inside – protected and insulated. You may choose to assign it an “inner circle” relationship. Thinking in relationship circles makes it easier to accept the limitations of others.
Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it’s the place we find the deepest heartache. –Iyanla Vansant Respect means non-violation and families can be the place we feel most violated. This can run the gamut from inattentive, distant or neglectful to being verbally, physically and/or sexually abusive. This can…
Don’t pass up a chance by dumping someone after a first date because you don’t feel the fireworks. The fireworks can happen at any time and be maintained. –Helen Fisher Passion involves feelings and desires that lead to physical attraction, romance, and sexual consummation. After the initial fireworks, it can morph into…
Time for self-reflection. Use a checklist to determine where you are in terms of work relationships:Reciprocity: Do I initiate goodwill? Am I a good contributor? Do I give positive feedback?Reliability: Can I be counted on to get the job done? Am I predictable? Can I be trusted?Respect: Do I show…