The whole concept of treating people with dignity and respect is a concept that isn’t a business concept, it’s a life concept. –Greg Brenneman
According to a Pew study, 57% of Americans quit their jobs because they felt disrespected at work. But what exactly does respect look and feel like? Is it formal recognition – the employee of the month parking spot? For most, it’s being seen and feeling heard. It’s a sense of being valued as a human being and for your contribution, no matter how small. It’s being treated kindly, and it is just plain good manners. A client said to me: “I love my CEO, he acknowledges everyone, the security guard, the cleaning staff, the receptionist. He exemplifies work life balance and values. I’ve seen him turn down a state dinner to be at his daughter’s school play. It makes me want to do whatever I can to help him, and our company succeed.” This begs the question; what is so hard about showing respect?