A concise guide to dealing with other people, living your best life and connecting in disonnected times.
Reliability in Romantic Relationships
Trust is not built in big, sweeping moments. It’s built in tiny moments every day. –Brene’ Brown
Reliability in intimate relationships is a cornerstone that speaks to our most primal concerns – safety and security. When a partner says he or she will, and they do not, it imperceptibly affects our sense of well-being and subtly erodes the foundation of the relationship. This is why those seemingly benign issues such as household chores become monumental. Predictability and consistency of behavior also fall under reliability. These can become serious challenges, when unkept promises of change are critical. While not always fatal to the relationship, the more serious issues of faithfulness and dishonesty can cause serious damage. Reliability means dependability – can I count on you – today, tomorrow, forever?
A lack of reciprocity in a relationship isn’t an invitation for you to try to convince them of your worth. –Helena Hart Reciprocity of effort in a romantic relationship means both parties work to nurture the health of their relationship. To this end they find rituals for connection and learn each other’s love…
Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act. –Paulo Coelho Choosing to do nothing while you watch and wait things out may be the most prudent in a work environment. Hopefully, you have used your tools, and you have a solid idea of what you…