I got divorced at Christmas. So I bought an electric train set and nailed it to the dining room table – because I could. –John Prine
If your relationship is lacking more of the essentials than it is providing, it’s time to reconsider. You can do couples counseling. You can take a time out – a loving separation. You can stay physically but check out emotionally. Minimize your time together. House-sit, travel, get an RV, work opposite shifts, move to the basement. It is less disruptive, but feeling lonely while in a relationship might be more painful than going solo. Then there are toxic situations such as domestic violence in which your strength is in the leaving. What is your self respect worth? Learn how to manage grief, loss and transition. Learn to love living alone. Leaving a relationship is never easy but reinventing yourself is exciting. Do something to declare your independence. Go to Paris. Get a tattoo. Learn something new. Keep colorful flowers, fresh fruit or lit candies on your table. Decorate with something ridiculous or outrageous – because now, you can.