The path to freedom is illuminated by the bridges you have burned, adorned by the ties you have cut, and cleared by the drama you have left behind. –Steve Maraboli
If your family is lacking more of the essentials than it is providing, or worse, is toxic and painful for you, it is time to formulate a plan. Start with something I call “ritualized cutoff”. You pull back from family interactions – not so far that they notice, just far enough to keep yourself sane and safe. It is also a way to keep from feeling too much guilt over your decision. You show up twice a year, maybe a birthday or holiday. You stay two hours. Think of it as the “rule of twos”. It is a way to leave without going so far as complete cutoff. It can work if you are no longer vulnerable or invested. However, if even limited interactions feel toxic and painful then family estrangement may be your only recourse. Before you decide on this step, professional help might be in order.