A concise guide to dealing with other people, living your best life and connecting in disonnected times.
Leave as a Relationship Solution
It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world. ―John Green
Sometimes you just need to invoke the baseball rule – three strikes and you are out. When you are ready you will know. There is strength in leaving. Get started and keep going. Leave with your dignity intact. With most relationship endings there is a mix of emotion. Feelings of anger, guilt, fear, depression, anxiety and relief. Going through the processofgriefis normal and necessary. You may be grieving the loss of illusion, which is often a greater loss than the loss of reality. It may be the death of a future full of hopes, dreams, security, comfort, companionship and belonging. Give yourself plenty of time to heal and recover. I recommend waiting a full four seasons before you make any more major life changes. Ultimately you will end up in a better situation.
The paradox of trauma is that it has both the power to destroy and the power to transform and resurrect. –Peter A Levine When any kind of existential threat occurs, our bodies receive a jolt of adrenaline, and we go into trauma response mode. (Fight, flight, freeze, faint, fawn.) We…
Boundaries empower us to determine how we’ll be treated by others. –Anne Katherine Boundaries set limits with others, keep you from feeling taken advantage of, and establish the rules of respect. Open borders on boundaries are an invitation for those who tend to push the limits to shove their way…
I hold a little fundraiser every day. It’s called going to work. — Stephen Colbert Most of us work. As an Employee Assistance Provider (EAP), I often do work-related confidential counseling. I find the number one concern expressed by clients is dealing with other people. It might be the passive-aggressive…