Rules without relationship equals rebellion. — Josh McDowell
Modern families are often a disconnected, discombobulated mess – isolated on devices, overworked parents with overscheduled kids often with limited resources. They may be powder kegs ready to blow. Sometimes it is the acting out adolescent who is desperately trying to send a misunderstood plea for help. Slowing it all down and creating regular opportunities for deeper connections can go a long way to creating healthier families. Share at least one device free meal per week. Although your adolescent will resist, ask them open ended questions. Have the littlest ones contribute dinner table topics. You might be surprised at just how perceptive a five-year-old can be – they were often my best ally in family therapy sessions. Encourage nonjudgmental sharing of emotions by using drawing cards of feeling emojis or cutouts from the faces in the movie Inside Out. Strictly adhere to a five-minute listen only rule – parents, this means you too.