Online life is so delicious because it is socializing with almost no friction—David Brooks
Community is not necessarily where we live, but where we belong. Our sense of connection and community has been steadily eroding. We moved from gathering with neighbors on our front porch to circling around the radio inside our living rooms. Family dinners devolved to eating on trays in front of the television. The internet has led to remote learning, virtual offices, online meetings and non-stop focus on our devices. While it seems like we are constantly connecting, loneliness, anxiety, depression, addiction, anger, suicide and violence have increased. In 2024 the World Happiness Report dropped the United States to 23rd overall and to 62nd for those under 30. Research proves we need in person human connection and a sense of belonging to lead emotionally and physically healthy lives. If we are going to better ourselves and society, we need to re-learn how to communicate and create an old-fashioned sense of community.