I don’t force friendships or communication. If its not mutual, I’ll let it go. It’s that simple for me. –Rob Hill Sr.
Current etiquette suggests about 24 to 48 hours for a response to texts. If you find yourself being ghosted and you value the friendship, you might reach out with: “Are we ok?” “Did I offend?” No response? There’s your answer. They are dismissing your friendship. It’s time to stop initiating. However, they may give you an opening such as: “Well, you made a few comments I didn’t appreciate.” They are saying the relationship is worth giving you the opportunity to make repairs. Be careful how you respond. Do not say “Sorry you felt that way”. This is disrespecting their feelings and not taking ownership of your perceived offence. Instead, a simple, “I’m so sorry. I was an idiot. I did not mean to offend.” You might try to explain your original intentions, however as the saying goes, “When you are in a hole, stop digging.”